From this output, you see that producing six windows and two doors gives you a profit maximization of$ 3,600. 在输出中,可以看到生产6个窗子和2个门会得到3600美元的最大利润。
Therefore, establish beyond the profit maximization of values is the century enterprise spirit culture foundation. 因而,树立超越利润最大化的价值观是百年企业的精神文化基础。
The Theoretical And Practical Dilemma Of Profit Maximization: The Practical And Theoretical Hypothesis Of The Goal Of Harmonious Development In Enterprises 利润最大化的理论困惑与现实困境:企业和谐发展目标的现实理论假说
The aim of a company is to improve continuously its value to meet the target of profit maximization, which is the starting point and end-result of all the businesses. 企业的宗旨是不断提升其价值以期实现价值最大化的目标,这是企业一切经营活动的出发点和归宿。
Results For different distance, can adopt different refrigeration equipment, to the lowest transportation cost, achieve sales profit maximization. 结果对不同的距离,可以采用不同的冷藏设备,以最低的运输成本,达到销售利润最大化。
The core of the aforementioned trends is "benefits centered", which is the reflection of the business principle" profit maximization "of commercial banks in credit markets. 上述新趋势的核心是“效益为中心”,这是商业银行“利润最大化”的企业经营原则在信贷市场中的表现。
It is more scientific, more up to the knowledge economy taking profit maximization as enterprises 'finance management aim. 以企业的价值最大化作为财务管理目标会更科学,更符合知识经济的要求。
This paper considers two models of strategic deviation from profit maximization by firms. 本文考虑了企业利润最大化目标策略性偏离的两种模型。
Profit maximization in perfect competition-standard treatment. 在完全竞争市场下的最大利润。
And in order to realize the management informatization, balance of resources, minimization of cost and profit maximization. 实现企业经营取得管理信息化、资源平衡化、成本最低化、利润最大化的效果。
In the time that pursues commercial profit maximization, they are all inescapable from the fate of these two, the leaders image, the people's hero or beliefs idols in the past heroism era. 过去英雄主义时代的领袖形象、人民英雄、信仰偶像在一个追求商业利润最大化的时代里都无法逃脱这两种命运。
The major cause for this is the deviation of state-owned enterprises used as a policy instrument from profit maximization. 而造成国有产权残缺的主要原因是,国企作为国家的政策工具而背离了利润最大化的目标。
Such an approach would have removed any danger that the managers would dump assets; but it would have focused their minds on something other than profit maximization and the reputation of their political masters. 跌价销售会抵消任何管理人抛售资产的危险,也可以使他们更集中于其它的事情上,而不是利润最大化和其政治领导人的名誉。
"Excessive credit" and "credit reluctance" are examples of disequilibrium and are caused essentially by departures from profit maximization principle. “超贷”与“惜贷”都是信贷市场非均衡现象,不以利润最大化为目标是导致“超贷”、“惜贷”现象的根本原因。
Security supervisors should be rational, who are likely to breach national interests for realizing their own profit maximization. 证券监管者也是理性的经济人,证券监管者的行为有可能为了实现自身的经济利益最大化,而违背国家利益。
This inventory model targeting with profit maximization is more practical than the classical EOQ model. 以销售商利润最大化为目标的存储模型比经典EOQ模型更加接近实际。
Profit maximization problem and weak DEA efficiency ( c~ 2gs~ 2); 利润最大问题与弱DEA有效(C~2GS~2)
It is the necessary result of profit maximization pursued by capital and multiple operations. 它是资本追求利润最大化和多元化经营的必然结果。
On the dimensionality of profit maximization, this thesis mainly analyzes existence question and the wrong understanding about appraisal target and the method in the present definite analysis of investment appraisal theory and proposes the new assessment method. 在利润最大化的维度下,本文主要对目前投资评价理论中确定性分析的评价指标和方法存在的问题和认识误区进行了分析,并提出了新的评价方法。
Capital seeks for profit maximization. 资本的本质是追求利益最大化。
Through analyzing on and comparing with companies 'financial management targets, this paper confirmed that the profit maximization is the short term target of companies' financial management and the enterprise value maximization is the long term target of companies 'financial management. 通过对公司财务管理目标的分析和比较,确定了利润最大化是公司财务管理的短期目标,企业价值最大化是公司财务管理的长期目标。
The financial innovation mainly derives from the risk evasion and profit maximization. 金融创新主要源于风险的规避和利益的最大化要求;
In recent years, Chinese enterprises are actively establish and improve the socialist market economic system, corporate financing decisions goals from the previous pursuit of yield, production value, profit maximization is changing for the pursuit of maximizing shareholder wealth and maximizing corporate value. 近些年来,我国企业正在积极建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制,企业的融资决策目标也从以前的追求产量、产值、利润最大化正在转变为追求股东财富最大化和企业价值最大化。
Whether for enterprises or for individuals, profit maximization is more intuitive and practical than the cost minimization. 无论对企业还是对个人而言,利润最大化比成本最小化更为直观和可实用性。
This lead to the first aim of stock exchange is to pursue profit maximization and shareholders interests. 这导致交易所的运作首先旨在使交易所的利润最大化,股东利益最大化。
As profitable institution, improving their efficiency with rational risk control is the requirement of their profit maximization. 商业银行作为营利性机构,在合理控制风险的基础上提高效率是其追求利润最大化的本质要求,也是现代银行业经营发展的关键。
Commercial Banks are natural chasing profit enterprise, the profit maximization is its business objectives. 商业银行是天然追逐利润的企业,利润最大化是其经营的目标。
Under the profit maximization objectives, banks generally set constraints in terms of cost or sales. 在利润最大化目标下,银行一般会对成本或销售量提出要求。
As profit maximization bank outlets, profitability and sales has become the core issue of bank outlets appraisal. 对作为企业追求利润最大化的银行来说,网点的盈利能力和销售能力已经成为银行网点考核评价的核心问题,因此,国有商业银行的网点转型势在必行。
Therefore, profit maximization as a new perspective can improve the effectiveness and sustainability of the theory. 因此,以利润最大化为新的研究视角可以提升理论的实效性和可持续性。